Census Support

Emacs Speaks NONMEM supports the use of Census.

Emacs Speaks NONMEM Census Detection

Emacs Speaks NONMEM detects if Pirana assumptions are in effect in the specified directory by:

  • Checking if Emacs Speaks NONMEM is aware of a Census executable
  • If PLT tools, PDx POP, and Census is not used for this control stream
  • Census support is enabled (Toggled under the "Use" menu)

Reference Models

Emacs Speaks NONMEM supports the reference models of Pirana and census. Emacs Speaks NONMEM links to the reference files if the user puts one puts the following in the control stream:

 ; Ref=001.mod
 ; Parent: 001
 ; etc

Census also includes a custom header that has the line:

;;;;C Parent=

This allows the parent model to be scanned by Census.

Other control stream mark-up.

Comments are coded with the double semi-colon ;;, so the default header includes double semi-colons.

Parameter labels are specified after the $THETA, $OMEGA and $SIGMA blocks. For this reason parameter numbering for Census control streams is turned off by default.

Other features

Emacs Speaks NONMEM can launch Census from the menu ("Tools") or from the tool-bar.